Sunday 3 June, 2007

An Introduction

People say its easy to create a blog.Only i know what it takes to create one. Blogs, as i see, are a test of how many names you know and how many you don't.I've had to work very hard for my blog and hence I respect it! I jotted down literally every name, that could come across my mind and all of them seemed to be already existing. It took me almost half an hour before this flash of brilliance occurred to me and-hence i named it!

As a matter of fact this one comes just before I've completely run out of ideas and might be stabbed any time if i don't close down my other blog.It's imperative to mention here that the reader will have to wait for long hours (in many cases even days) in order to read my next post. This shall be a good test of patience and endurance.Readers are expected to encourage the blogger by sending money drafts (cheques will do) to the blogger.

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