Sunday 15 July, 2007

I'm not me!

Yes, i just discovered that i might not be me after all or something like that. No, i'm not drunk while i'm writing this. The people at my computer training center have figured out that I'm Rohan Krishna Gutta and so Gutta walks off with the certificate after i complete the course but hey, I get to keep the receipt for the money I've paid.
In other news,I just discovered that Edgar Allan Poe was a wonderful author and many of his works can be found on the wikisource website. But for people who want more, there's Project Gutenberg.

Monday 9 July, 2007

Inspiring inspirtation

The past is dead,
To-morrow is not born.
Be today!
Today with every nerve,
With every fibre,
With every drop of your red blood!

(Sourced from Carry on, Jeeves by P.G.Wodehouse)

This masterpiece is dedicated to our dear members of Parliament, for having believed in it so strongly . Oh c'mon you've got to at least appreciate their ingenious skills to keep us entertained all the way along,through out the year!

Tuesday 12 June, 2007


They call it 'ether-net' . I thought they had misspelled internet. But I was later proved wrong and that boisterous long cable (which should actually be named cabasilisk, for its killer technology) was what they called their 'latesht' technological dingy thing. I confess, i suggested the idea of shifting to Sifi (name changed to protect privacy). BSNL seemed too expensive or boisterous. Its nice to flaunt that idea of having a private internet service provider like Sifi technologies(India) Ltd. instead of an uncreative, plain and boring name like just BSNL.
Trouble always succeeds brilliance, or at least I reason it that way. After I pulled off that brilliant spoof over BSNL and finally got rid of it,I realized what an ordeal Sifi was (and still is).If the BSNL modem couldn't understand my apathy during troubled times, Sifi shows me a finger and asks me to stick it up you-know-where.
The local area connection is a particularly obtrusive creation by those genius minds who've given us the ether-net itself . The local area connections acts like a wind-meter which does a brilliant job in informing me about the speed of the wind. If the connection goes off in one go and doesn't come back until the next day, its a usual wind just blowing and doing its job. If it goes on an off now and appears to be playing ' catch-me-on-if-you-can', its a stronger wind. If the local area connection has backed out some four hours ago and your local technician accepts without a 'grrr' or something like that, screw the wind get to that Sifi office as quickly as you can.

On one such occasion, I promptly informed those cable wallahs to check up with the problem. Two exhibits arrived. I was quick in showing them the problem.I tried connecting and the technological wonder seemed to have given up on me. I told them, how I had tried to reconfigure my LAN card. Those two fools simply gaped at my wonder-la computer.
The bigger of the two exhibits finally spoke up. Your LAN card has broken down, he said.
There are moments in one's life when the person opposite speaks of the unthinkable and all one can do is break out and scream a yell. A mere yell in this case just wouldn't suffice. I wanted to smite that ass and do anything but go easy on his jaw.But something stopped me from it. I listened to him and enquired for reasons. I also reminded him that I had purchased that piece of nonsense from him and the warranty period had not yet lapsed.To my disbelief, he told me ,'people themselves don't come with warranty , how do you expect an electronic item to come with a warranty?'
I remained a mere spectator to his brilliance, unable to recover from the shock.I still am trying hard to recover from that shock. The Local Area Connection is working although gives me jitters now and then, as for that brilliant technician, his activities seem to have become more dormant or may be there are more benign customers to trouble.

Wednesday 6 June, 2007

Counter counter strike

The name says it all. Condition Zero, which means the only condition required to play the game is zero brains. Counter Strike or CS, as it is popularly known among the avid gamers, seems to be just the game for all those people who've been disappointed with their terribly low scores in their IQ tests.
I confess I'm not an ardent gamer.I know game addicts but I'm seriously not one myself.
I would hear my friends tell me their stories of achievements and conquests and be impressed but I simply wasn't up to it.
I decided to change that soon. I got myself the installation CD from one of my friends and lo!, i was set to begin. The game apparently has no rules or I still am not aware of them.First stop, assemble a team- I picked the best among the lot and set myself going. A gun in hand coupled with lots of excitement, i pursued my conquest to glory. Now, the whole military exercise that the game revolves around, seems very strange indeed. The terrorists (people with better guns and more bullets) apparently set up bombs and let the police know of it ( helpful blighters they are). The police,unfortunately headed by a player like me, go around looking for the bomb that 's been planted. In the midst of all this , our friends at the other end (the terrorists) keep us entertained with a few shots here and there , killing a team member or two. Now, here's the interesting part; the terrorists plant the bomb and still keep loitering around the same place with the sole purpose of entertaining us . Whats more disturbing is that the terrorists don't allow the police to defuse the bomb, neither do steer out of the place.
Then there are other features like chat, commands and more that still remain to be discovered.
Here's how a conversation typically looks like when I'm heading the police team.

Unknown fellow: Go, Go, Go!

Sir( me): hey!, can i get another gun. you see this one's pretty old .....

computer: conversation invalid. to command your team members use keys z,x,c...
with no options left i command them to 'cover me'.

10 seconds later, message flash: Cooper dead

9 second earlier, message flash: Sir's dead

2 seconds later;

Helpful Terrorist: Bomb has been planted.

1 second later, Game Over.

Sunday 3 June, 2007

An Introduction

People say its easy to create a blog.Only i know what it takes to create one. Blogs, as i see, are a test of how many names you know and how many you don't.I've had to work very hard for my blog and hence I respect it! I jotted down literally every name, that could come across my mind and all of them seemed to be already existing. It took me almost half an hour before this flash of brilliance occurred to me and-hence i named it!

As a matter of fact this one comes just before I've completely run out of ideas and might be stabbed any time if i don't close down my other blog.It's imperative to mention here that the reader will have to wait for long hours (in many cases even days) in order to read my next post. This shall be a good test of patience and endurance.Readers are expected to encourage the blogger by sending money drafts (cheques will do) to the blogger.